
Showing posts from June 25, 2019

MMM is back with their new law

* MMM, the popular Ponzi scheme, returns * The system now labels itself MMM Cooperation in a bid to "continue the legacy of its founder, late Sergey Mavrodi." * The system warns participants that  “there are no guarantees and promises" for return on investment. MMM, the popular Ponzi scheme, has resurfaced again, promising participants mouth-watering offers with strict warnings, few years of dashing hope of millions of Nigerians. The scheme, known as  Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox  (MMM), now labelled itself  MMM Cooperation , saying it returned to continue the legacy of its founder, late  Sergey Mavrodi . Like sunrise in the morning, MMM Cooperation set the pace on the 22nd of January 2019 all over the world. From negligence by many to fear of the unknown by prospective participants at the beginning; we are where we are today being most populous platform all over the world with 6 MILLION participants all in the space of 4months. “So far, we have been...